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Thời tiết Tuyên Quang 22 °C

Tin nổi bật

Seminar on promoting traditional values of Mother Goddess worship and Truc Lam Zen

Seminar on promoting traditional values of Mother Goddess worship and Truc Lam Zen

On the afternoon of February 19, at the Royal Plaza Center, the People's Committee of Tuyen Quang City organized a seminar on promoting the traditional values of Mother Goddess worship and Truc Lam Zen in the spiritual life of Tuyen Quang people. Attending the seminar were comrade Le Thi Thanh Tra, member of the Provincial Party Executive Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Hoang Viet Phuong, member of the Provincial Party Executive Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Associate Professor, Dr. Bui Hoai Son, National Assembly Delegate, Standing Member of the National Assembly's Committee on Culture and Education; Nguyen Manh Hung, member of the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee, Head of the City Party Committee's Propaganda Department, Director of the City Political Center; Pham Ngoc Hai, member of the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee, Head of the City Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Department, Chairman of the City Fatherland Front Committee; Do Dinh Dat, member of the City Party Executive Committee, Vice Chairman of the City People's Committee; Vu Quynh Loan, member of the City Party Executive Committee, Vice Chairman of the City People's Committee; leaders of some departments, branches, sectors, agencies of the province; leaders of Tuyen Quang City People's Committee; scientists, experts, researchers, managers of culture, beliefs, religions, travel businesses from agencies, units, universities, research institutes in Tuyen Quang province and the whole country.

23/02/2025 - 10:40




Cơ quan chủ quản: UBND Thành phố Tuyên Quang

Đơn vị thường trực: Trung tâm Văn hóa - Truyền thông và Thể thao Thành phố Tuyên Quang

Trưởng Ban biên tập: Bà Vũ Quỳnh Loan - Thành uỷ viên - Phó Chủ tịch Uỷ ban nhân dân thành phố

Địa chỉ: Phường An Tường, Thành phố Tuyên Quang, Tỉnh Tuyên Quang.

Điện thoại hỗ trợ: (02073) 823 300 - Fax: (02073) 823 300


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