Director of the Department of Planning and Investment Van Dinh Thao - visited, gave gifts, and presented longevity cards from the President to 100-year-olds in Minh Xuan ward.

18/01/2025 - 22:36

On the occasion of the Lunar New Year At Ty 2025. On the morning of January 18, Comrade Van Dinh Thao, Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Director of the Department of Planning and Investment visited, presented gifts, and presented longevity cards from the President to the elderly who turned 100 years old in Minh Xuan ward.

Director of the Department of Planning and Investment of Van Dinh Thao province

Presenting a birthday card from the President and a gift to Ms. Nguyen Thi Tan - Group 1, Minh Xuan Ward

Visiting and presenting the President's birthday greeting card and gifts to Mrs. Nguyen Thi Tan - Group 1; Mr. Nguyen Duy Can, a pre-uprising cadre and Mrs. Pham Thi Hue, Group 4, Minh Xuan Ward, the Director of the Provincial Department of Planning and Investment kindly inquired about the health, living conditions and spirit of the elderly and wished them good health, to be a solid support for their children and grandchildren, a shining example, a center of solidarity among children and grandchildren in the family, clan and village; at the same time, he also requested the local Party Committee and government to continue to care for both material and spiritual needs of the elderly in the area.

Director of the Department of Planning and Investment of Van Dinh Thao province

Presenting a birthday card from the President and a gift to Mr. Nguyen Duy Can, a pre-uprising cadre, group 4, Minh Xuan ward.

Address: Director of the Department of Planning and Investment of Van Dinh Thao province

Presenting a birthday card from President Pham Thi Hue, Group 4, Minh Xuan Ward

News and photos: Thanh Xuan - City Center for Culture, Information and Communication


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Cơ quan chủ quản: UBND Thành phố Tuyên Quang

Đơn vị thường trực: Trung tâm Văn hóa - Truyền thông và Thể thao Thành phố Tuyên Quang

Trưởng Ban biên tập: Bà Vũ Quỳnh Loan - Thành uỷ viên - Phó Chủ tịch Uỷ ban nhân dân thành phố

Địa chỉ: Phường An Tường, Thành phố Tuyên Quang, Tỉnh Tuyên Quang.

Điện thoại hỗ trợ: (02073) 823 300 - Fax: (02073) 823 300


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