Tuyen Quang City People's Council passed a Resolution on the establishment and reorganization of specialized agencies under the City People's Committee.

23/02/2025 - 10:41

On the afternoon of February 20, the 22nd term of the People's Council of Tuyen Quang City held the 11th Special Session to collect opinions on the Resolution of the City People's Council on the establishment and reorganization of specialized agencies under the City People's Committee. Attending the meeting were Comrade Ta Duc Tuyen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Tuyen Quang City Party Committee. Pham Quoc Chuong, Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the City People's Committee. Comrades Nguyen Dinh Trung, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the City People's Council; Dinh Thi Thu Ha, Member of the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the City People's Council chaired the meeting.

Comrade Secretary of the City Party Committee Ta Duc Tuyen and delegates attending the meeting.

The meeting reviewed and approved the report and draft Resolution on the establishment and reorganization of specialized agencies under the City People's Committee. Accordingly, the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and the Department of Home Affairs were merged to form the Department of Home Affairs; the Department of Economy, Infrastructure and Urban Areas was established. The Department of Culture, Science and Information was established. The Department of Agriculture and Environment was established; the Office of the People's Council and the City People's Committee was reorganized. The Department of Education and Training was reorganized.

The Standing Committee of the City People's Council chaired the meeting.

After the establishment and reorganization, the specialized agencies under the People's Committee of Tuyen Quang city were reduced by 2 agencies, to 9 agencies including: Office of the People's Council and People's Committee, Department of Home Affairs; Department of Economy, Infrastructure and Urban Areas; Department of Culture, Science and Information; Department of Natural Resources and Environment; Department of Justice, City Inspectorate, Department of Finance - Planning, Department of Education and Training.

Comrade Nguyen Dinh Trung, Standing Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the City People's Council

Speaking at the meeting

With a spirit of democracy and high responsibility, the City People's Council delegates discussed, agreed and passed the Resolution, with 100% of delegates in favor.

Comrade Chairman of the City People's Committee Pham Quoc Chuong

Submitting the Draft Proposal on the establishment and reorganization of specialized agencies under the City People's Committee

Speaking at the closing session, comrade Nguyen Dinh Trung, Standing Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the City People's Council, requested that after the session, the City People's Committee urgently implement the Resolution approved by the City People's Council, organize the announcement of decisions on personnel work, and direct the handover process between agencies. Stabilize the ideology of cadres and civil servants; arrange scientific and reasonable job positions; direct agencies to develop regulations and operate stably immediately after establishment. At the same time, the City People's Council hopes that delegates will continue to promote their supervisory role, promptly reflect on arising issues to ensure that the resolution is effectively implemented. Request the People's Council Committees, groups, People's Council delegates, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee and mass organizations to closely monitor and supervise the implementation of the City People's Committee and related sectors to ensure that the Resolution is implemented in accordance with the provisions of law.


News and photos: Thanh Xuan - City Center for Culture, Information and Communication



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Cơ quan chủ quản: UBND Thành phố Tuyên Quang

Đơn vị thường trực: Trung tâm Văn hóa - Truyền thông và Thể thao Thành phố Tuyên Quang

Trưởng Ban biên tập: Bà Vũ Quỳnh Loan - Thành uỷ viên - Phó Chủ tịch Uỷ ban nhân dân thành phố

Địa chỉ: Phường An Tường, Thành phố Tuyên Quang, Tỉnh Tuyên Quang.

Điện thoại hỗ trợ: (02073) 823 300 - Fax: (02073) 823 300

Email: thanhpho@tuyenquang.gov.vn

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