Y La Temple Festival 2025

09/03/2025 - 15:24

On the morning of March 9, the People's Committee of Y La Ward, Tuyen Quang City organized the Opening Ceremony of Y La Temple Festival 2025. This is the opening activity for the Lower Temple, Upper Temple, and Y La Temple Festival 2025 of Tuyen Quang City. Attending the opening ceremony were Professor of History Le Van Lan; Comrade Nguyen Dinh Trung, Standing Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the City People's Council; Nguyen Manh Hung, Member of the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee, Head of the City Party Committee's Propaganda and Mass Mobilization Committee; Vu Quynh Loan, Member of the City Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Tuyen Quang City People's Committee. Delegates and a large number of local people and tourists attended the opening ceremony.

Y La Temple Festival 2025

The Y La Temple Festival is one of the spiritual activities of worshiping "Mau Thoai" with a long history and is organized by the people of Tuyen Quang City in the middle of the second lunar month every year to commemorate the merits of the two Mother Goddesses, Phuong Dung and Ngoc Lan - the two princesses of King Hung. The festival not only recreates the traditional rituals in the Mother Goddess procession of the people of Tuyen, but also has a new color, expressing the spiritual cultural beauty of the people, rich in humanistic meaning, sacred, lively, with the wish for a prosperous and happy life of people.

Delegates attending the opening ceremony of Y La Temple

Immediately after the opening ceremony, cultural, artistic, sports and traditional folk games with strong traditional identities of the Tuyen people took place, attracting a large number of people and tourists to participate. Thereby, contributing to strengthening solidarity, honoring, preserving, conserving and promoting the cultural identities of ethnic groups.

Singing and dancing performance at the opening ceremony

In 2016, Y La Temple was recognized as a National Monument. Maintaining and organizing the Y La Temple festival not only aims to preserve and promote the traditional cultural values of the people of Tuyen Quang city but also contributes positively to the socio-economic development of the locality.

The sport of chess has been maintained for many years at the Y La Temple festival.

The game "Blindfolded duck catching" attracts many people and tourists to participate.


News and photos: Thanh Xuan - City Center for Culture, Information and Communication




Tìm kiếm


Cơ quan chủ quản: UBND Thành phố Tuyên Quang

Đơn vị thường trực: Trung tâm Văn hóa - Truyền thông và Thể thao Thành phố Tuyên Quang

Trưởng Ban biên tập: Bà Vũ Quỳnh Loan - Thành uỷ viên - Phó Chủ tịch Uỷ ban nhân dân thành phố

Địa chỉ: Phường An Tường, Thành phố Tuyên Quang, Tỉnh Tuyên Quang.

Điện thoại hỗ trợ: (02073) 823 300 - Fax: (02073) 823 300

Email: thanhpho@tuyenquang.gov.vn

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