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The most complete experience of traveling to My Lam Tuyen Quang mineral springs

My Lam Tuyen Quang Mineral Spring is one of the attractive destinations in Tuyen Quang, where you can enjoy not only relaxing moments with family and friends but also experience the unique cultural values of this land. With its natural potential and unique cultural history, My Lam mineral springs are a must-visit destination for those looking for a meaningful and exciting vacation.

My Lam mineral spring is about 20km from the center of Tuyen Quang city. My Lam mineral spring is likened to a gem in the middle of a wild mountain forest, where you can find peace and serenity in every breeze, every chirping bird, every fish swimming in the stream.

Cool green scenery in My Lam

The value of My Lam mineral springs
My Lam hot mineral has a water source that contains many minerals and trace elements that are beneficial to health. My Lam mineral water is weakly acidic, pH ranges from 6.5 to 7.2, contains many minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and manganese. My Lam mineral spring water is said to be effective in treating bone and joint diseases. People with back pain, joint pain, and arthritis are relieved, helping to improve health and reduce stress.

In addition, when coming to My Lam mineral spring, you can also participate in entertainment and sports activities. Including: swimming, polishing, camping, fishing, climbing, hiking and folk games. This is an opportunity for you to enjoy moments of relaxation, immerse yourself in nature and immerse yourself in a quiet space.

The feeling of relaxation with friends at the mineral spring is very memorable

About My Lam mineral springs information you may be interested in
Reasons to choose to explore My Lam mineral spring

Here are the reasons why you should choose to explore My Lam mineral springs:

The value of mineral water


My Lam Tuyen Quang hot spring is a valuable resource with mineral water with diverse and nutritious ingredients. My Lam mineral water has been researched and proven to have therapeutic effects for many diseases.

Experience mineral bathing at My Lam mineral spring
Mineral bathing is an activity that is becoming popular in Vietnam. At My Lam Tuyen Quang Hot Springs, visitors can take a mineral bath with hot mineral water to reduce stress and fatigue.

The accompanying entertainment activities are very attractive

Enjoy local cuisine
With a special geographical location, My Lam mineral spring is also a place where many specialties of the region are concentrated. Visitors can enjoy local dishes such as bamboo shoot hotpot, porridge, lam rice,...

Explore Nature
Tuyen Quang Beautiful Forest Mineral Spring is located in a beautiful primeval forest, with many streams and lakes in the area. Visitors can explore nature, sightseeing, and camping here.

Development history and value of My Lam mineral spring
Development history

My Lam mineral spring is a valuable natural resource of Vietnam, it has been used and exploited for a long time to treat diseases. Below is the history of development and value of My Lam mineral springs:

My Lam hot spring has a long history

My Lam mineral springs have been known since the nineteenth century, when French explorers discovered and recorded the mineral resources of this area. In the 1920s, My Lam mineral water was used to treat the ailments of the local people.

In the 1960s, My Lam mineral water was exploited and mass-produced, and became a famous brand of Vietnam. This has helped to improve the health of the people who use it and also helped to promote economic development for this area.

The value of mineral springs
Currently, My Lam mineral spring has become an attractive destination for tourism and resort. Visitors from all over come to visit and explore My Lam mineral springs to enjoy the fresh air and experience a mineral bath with hot mineral water. My Lam mineral water is also used to treat diseases such as joint pain, arthritis, gastritis, back pain, fatigue,...

The immeasurable value of health and well-being

The value of My Lam mineral springs lies not only in the precious mineral resources but also in the natural beauty and local culture. My Lam Mineral Springs is an ideal destination for those who want to learn about the local culture and history, as well as a place to relax and relax in nature. It is an integral part of Vietnamese culture and tourism.

Characteristics of My Lam mineral spring
Chemical composition of My Lam mineral spring water

My Lam mineral spring water is a valuable natural resource of Vietnam, known for its healing and health effects. The chemical composition of My Lam mineral spring water is an important factor to help determine its effect and value.

According to scientific studies, Tuyen Quang hot mineral contains a large number of minerals and trace elements necessary for human health. The main components of My Lam mineral spring water include sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), ammonium (NH4+), sulfate (SO42-), chloride (Cl-), bicarbonate (HCO3-) and fluoride (F-).

Micronutrients in My Lam mineral spring water have a good effect

Minerals and trace elements contained in My Lam mineral spring water have good effects on health, helping to improve the function of organs such as the heart, kidneys, and liver, with anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, stress-relieving effects, helping to strengthen the immune system and enhance overall health. In particular, My Lam mineral spring water also contains fluoride, an important ingredient that helps protect teeth and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth.

However, like other natural mineral water sources, My Lam mineral spring water can also contain some toxic substances such as arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury,... It is recommended to use it properly and ensure food safety and hygiene when using this mineral spring water.

In conclusion, the chemical composition of My Lam mineral spring water is an important factor that helps determine its effects and value on human health. It is very important to research and learn about the chemical composition of My Lam mineral spring water to ensure the safety and effectiveness of use.

Temperature and pressure are two important factors

Temperature and pressure of My Lam mineral spring
Temperature and pressure are two important factors affecting the quality and effect of My Lam mineral spring water. Below is information about the temperature and pressure of My Lam mineral springs:

The temperature of My Lam mineral spring water ranges from 30 to 38 degrees Celsius, depending on the location and depth of the water source. This temperature is considered ideal for mineral baths and the treatment of ailments. My Lam mineral spring water has a fairly high temperature, because it is created from the reaction between rainwater and hot rocks on the top of Langbiang Mountain, so it has the effect of helping to reduce muscle pain, joint pain, muscle relaxation, stress and fatigue.

The pressure of My Lam mineral spring water also has an effect on its quality and effect. The pressure at the water source is about 2-3 bar, which is equivalent to the water pressure at a depth of 20-30m. This pressure helps push the mineral water to the ground and ensures that the amount of mineral spring water is sufficient to serve the needs of tourists and locals.

Using My Lam mineral spring water needs to comply with temperature and pressure regulations

However, the use of My Lam mineral spring water needs to comply with temperature and pressure regulations to ensure safety and efficiency. If mineral spring water is used at the wrong temperature and pressure, it can cause unwanted side effects.

In conclusion, temperature and pressure are two important factors that affect the quality and effectiveness of My Lam mineral spring water. It is very important to research and learn about the temperature and pressure of My Lam mineral spring water to ensure the safety and efficiency of use.

Activities to visit and explore My Lam mineral spring
My Lam Hot Spring is one of the famous tourist destinations in Tuyen Quang city, Vietnam. With water temperatures ranging from 35 to 40 degrees Celsius, My Lam Hot Spring is the ideal place to relax and enjoy the healthy effects of mineral water.

Discover and fully enjoy the beauty of the hot spring

To fully explore and enjoy the beauty of My Lam hot springs, visitors can participate in some interesting activities as follows:

Hot mineral bath: This is the main activity at My Lam hot spring. Guests can bathe in the fully equipped hot mineral pools. They will help you take a hot mineral bath to relax, reduce stress and pain.
Visit My Lam Flower Garden: My Lam Flower Garden is located on the campus of My Lam Hot Spring, beautifully designed with many different types of flowers. Visitors can visit, take photos or take a break here.
My Lam Climbing: If you like to conquer the peak, then try My Lam Mountaineering. This is one of the popular climbing places in Tuyen Quang. Along the way, you will be able to admire the beautiful landscape and breathe the fresh air of the mountain forest.

Impressive scenery and enjoyment in the most relaxed heart

Visit historical sites: In addition to hot springs and flower gardens, My Lam area also has many important historical sites such as temples, mausoleums and temple gates. Visitors can explore and learn about the local history and culture.
Try your hand at sports activities: If you like sports activities, My Lam hot spring also has many activities such as kayaking, rafting, rock climbing, climbing challenges and rock slides. These activities will help you exercise and experience adventurous activities.
Enjoy local cuisine: Tuyen Quang is famous for many specialty dishes such as Tuyen Quang rolls, banana flower stuffing, eel porridge, medicinal paint soup and can wine. Visitors can enjoy these dishes at restaurants and eateries near My Lam hot springs.

Benefits of My Lam mineral springs
The therapeutic effect of My Lam mineral water on health

Some therapeutic effects of My Lam mineral water on health:

Pain relief: My Lam mineral water has an effective pain reliever, especially musculoskeletal pain, joint pain and back pain. The temperature of mineral water also helps to relax muscles, reduce stress, and help the body relax.

Treatment of skin diseases: My Lam mineral water is said to have a soothing effect and treat many skin diseases such as eczema, atopic dermatitis, rashes, and eczema. Mineral water also helps to soften and moisturize the skin, making the skin healthy and beautiful.

Strengthen the immune system: Regular bathing in My Lam mineral water can help strengthen the body's immune system, helping to cope with pathogens from the external environment.

Reduce stress: My Lam mineral water has the effect of helping to reduce stress and stress, helping the body relax and the mind to rest.

Improve blood pressure: My Lam mineral water contains a lot of mineral salts and trace elements, which help improve blood pressure and enhance the body's circulation.

Diabetes treatment: My Lam mineral water is also used to support the treatment of diabetes by helping to balance blood sugar and reduce blood sugar levels.

In short, My Lam mineral water is a valuable natural resource with many therapeutic effects for human health. Regular bathing in My Lam mineral water not only helps improve health but also helps reduce stress and relax the mind.

Products from My Lam mineral springs and their applications
My Lam Hot Spring provides a variety of products from mineral water and other natural materials such as flowers, leaves, and fruits. These products are used in a variety of sectors, from healthcare to beauty, food, and handicrafts. Here are some of their products and applications:

My Lam mineral water: Mineral water is used in mineral baths to help reduce stress, aches and pains and promote health. Mineral water is also used as an ingredient for beauty and skincare products.

Skin care products: Many skin care products are made from natural ingredients such as flowers, leaves, fruits, and My Lam mineral water. They help to soothe and soften the skin, making it healthy, beautiful and youthful.

Food: Products from My Lam mineral springs are also used in food such as peach blossom jam, blueberry jam and natural soft drinks. They have a characteristic flavor and are rich in nutrition.

Handicrafts: Handicraft products from My Lam mineral springs include ceramics, furniture, leather goods, and other handicrafts. They are highly durable and provide aesthetic value.

Experience and notes when exploring My Lam mineral springs
Preparation before going to My Lam mineral spring


To have a trip to Tuyen Quang Beautiful Forest Hot Springs full of experience and relaxation, it is very important to prepare before coming here. Here are some things to prepare before coming to My Lam mineral springs:

Personal belongings: You should bring personal items such as towels, changing clothes, slippers, hats, sunglasses, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. to be able to take a mineral bath and relax comfortably.

Medications and health support items: If you have any health problems, bring medication and health support items such as blood pressure monitors, blood glucose monitors, antihistamines, etc. so that prevention and treatment can be carried out as soon as necessary.

Weather and mineral bathing activities in Tuyen Quang Forest: Please check the weather and activities of My Lam mineral spring before coming to be able to prepare suitable equipment such as jackets, shoes, swimwear, helmets, etc.

Reading books: If you want to learn more about the history, nature, and culture of My Lam mineral springs, bring reading books so that you can take advantage of the time to relax and learn.

Cash: Many services at My Lam Mineral Springs only accept cash payments, so bring enough money to avoid hassle.

Weather conditions and suitable time to explore My Lam mineral springs
Notes when taking a mineral bath in My Lam

Taking a mineral bath at My Lam mineral spring is a relaxing and beneficial activity for your health. However, for the best experience, you need to keep the following in mind:

Take a mineral bath before eating
You should take a mineral bath before eating or at least 30 minutes after eating to avoid bloating and indigestion.

Wear a swimsuit and take a clean shower before entering the mineral springs
You should wear a swimsuit and take a shower before entering the mineral springs to avoid dirtying the water and keeping the environment clean.

Water Temperature Adjustment
The water temperature in My Lam mineral springs can be very hot, so you should adjust the water temperature to suit your body. If you are unsure, ask the staff there for advice.

Don't take a shower for too long
A mineral bath at My Lam mineral spring should not last too long, about 15-20 minutes is enough for the body to absorb the necessary minerals.

Drink enough water
Mineral baths can dehydrate the body quickly, so you should drink enough water so that your body does not become dehydrated and stays healthy.

Do not use detergents: You should not use detergents or soaps in mineral springs to avoid affecting the water quality.

Pay attention to hygiene: After taking a mineral bath, you should take a clean shower and change into dry clothes to keep yourself and the environment hygienic.

If you are looking for an interesting and meaningful destination for your vacation, come to My Lam mineral springs. This is a place for you to find purity, peace and feel the unique beauty of nature. Let My Lam mineral spring become one of the most memorable memories of your life.


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